Thursday, June 26, 2014

Designer motivation

Today was an eye-opener. I LOVED learning about design.

My print publication looks exactly the same as it did the first time it was published, 20 years ago. The masthead is granulated and has wolf eyes embedded in the font. I didn't get a chance to get my .pdf sent in before deadline, but if I had, it would have been in the ugly section of that powerpoint.

I was fortunate enough to have Steffi willing to share her resources with me this year. I copied her style guide and adjusted according to my staff's preferences. The difference between our first publication and our second was night and day! It is still pretty bad, but I am proud of what we accomplished. This year, I will focus more on the details, getting our paper tightened up in both design, as well as writing.

I am really glad that today's design session came after our advanced InDesign session. Because of what I learned in the InDesign class, I was able to understand Tracy much better than I would have otherwise. Knowing how to set up the templates and the paragraph styles made his presentation that much more valuable.

I cannot do anything about my print design while I am here at the institute, so I decided to turn my attention to my website to help clean up the design. Both of my publications need some serious cleaning up, and I am excited to get started!

Kristen Morey
Fremont High School
Ogden, Utah

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