Thursday, June 26, 2014

Making a Change

After speaking with Dave Cornelius from the Cronkite School I was left with not only a drive but perhaps even something more. Teaching my expository reading and writing course as well as my regular English course in a whole different manner yet still following the common core and the outline of the subjects.

Create not consume!
It's about creating and not consuming. This comment gave me a whole new perspective and made a very big impact on what I do in the classroom. Now coming up from the elementary ranks I think that I teach in a more hands-on and participating manner It gives me a different take on what students and teachers should be doing. Yes students do create essays and reports but as one interviewee stated "they will never, ever write a 5 paragraph essay at any time, any where."And it's true unless they become an English teacher lol and even then how often do I as an English teacher write an essay.

Now I'm not saying don't teach how to write an essay but how much better will they be prepared if the main portion of the writing education is actually done in journalism?  There is so very much more to be learned in journalism that actually applies to the real world. It has been a very long time since I've been challenged in my writing skills. And even then I actually dumbed down my writing for that particular SDSU professor because that is what she wanted and if anything I know how to play the game.

I will become an active agent of change once again. Not since my days as a bilingual education advocate have I done anything to cause a ripple affect on my site or in education.
But with journalism I can see great things happening and the school site and perhaps within the district and later as a dreaded administrator.

I see journalism becoming the New English and helping to change how we as teachers of English but also advisors, teachers and advocates for journalism can make a change on our individual school sites and maybe one day see journalism become an academic credit course and not some second tier course that some students take just to pickup a credit.
L. Gabriel Senteno
San Diego High
San Diego, Ca.

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