Monday, June 23, 2014

Managing it All

Thank you to Alan and those of you who shared best practices this afternoon in our grading/assessing workshop. Managing my staff, providing immediate feedback, and grading fairly are always struggles for me each year. While I seem to make some improvements each season, I can't help but feel like I'm always trying to catch up.

Thank you to all for the great Google drive suggestions and how to provide feedback electronically. Although we have a drive, we continue to kick it old school with hard-copy drafts and in class revision. I'm thinking about setting up a mix of both this coming year.

I also enjoyed learning of how we can place more responsibility on our editors to help with managing the work flow and grading. I've increased responsibility for my editors each year and looking for ways to increase their responsibility and help them feel empowered.

Enjoyed all the conversations today. It's always great to network with other teachers who are getting it done efficiently. Thank you for all who are sharing resources!

Corie Shields
Classical Academy High School
Escondido, California


  1. Corie,

    I would second the Google Drive testimonials. Very useful for editing, and as Kristen demonstrated, the entire history is available if you need to go back to it.

    Forms (I think that is the thing Bobby demonstrated) is new to me and I'd like to try it next year -- sounds like a great tool for self-assessment.

    Your note about increasing responsibility of editors also struck a chord -- it was a challenge this year because I didn't have any expertise in my class, but in retrospect I could have taken some baby steps in that direction. Looking forward to Alan's upcoming "Staff organization and management" session.

    David Strom
    North-Grand High School
    Chicago, Illinois

  2. I have always used our network for posting stories and revision. However, I would like to give the Google Drive a chance. The students could put their assignments from anywhere then, correct? Which also means I could check them at home and not be tied to the school network. I really would like to use the handouts examples as a starting point for myself next year. Thanks for the tips.

    Shelley Job
    Hanover, Michigan

  3. Corie, I know you asked about what teachers were using to record audio feedback on papers. I use an app called Explain Everything. I think it's $3. I LOVE it. I have my kids save their papers into Google Drive folders I've shared with them. Then I import their papers into the app. There's a pen tool in the app that allows me to write on their papers, and then I also record verbal feedback. Then I share the paper back into the shared folder.

    I also use Explain Everything to record stories or mini-lessons. :) It's my favorite educational tool ever.

    Lisa Biber
    Brodhead High School
    Brodhead, Wis.

  4. Increasing responsibility of editors... such a profound statement. I've always been a big believer in raising the bar and the kids do what it takes to meet it. Why not with my editors? I'm going back with a bang. These kids are going to say, "Who are you and where's Coach Hobart, the control freak?
    Angela Hobart
    Starkville High School
