Thursday, June 26, 2014

Social Media affirmed

Robin Phillips' presentation was such an affirmation for me. My staff has been using social media effectively, but as changes are made in administration, I want to make sure social media remains a part of my curriculum.
With a new principal at my school, I have a lot of data driven facts to share with him just in case I need them!
-The internet is a conversation.
-People are sharing in different ways.
-The question is not if we are going to use social media, it's how we should use it.
-Social media is where things happen first.
-It's an immediate method to distribute content.
-Journalists are able to publish immediately.
-Social media is about a relationship. A conversation.
-Journalists should use the same standard as with news stories. (Accountability and ethics)
-Social media one of the tools to do the job of reporting.
-Teach students they must be skeptical about reporting and sharing for accuracy.
-Social media is a powerful tool.

Angela Hobart
Starkville High School

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