Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Department of Redundancies Dept.

Apropos of Steve Elliott's terrific Write Tight session this afternoon, I thought I would share a few videos. Both come from the excellent television show, Louie, which airs on the FX Network. The show is a novel take on the sitcom by the absurdist, and absurdly funny, stand-up comedian, Louie C.K. If you don't know who he is, check him out.

This first video reminded me of our discussions about redundancies in the news. I would gladly follow any links in the comments that direct us to a funnier example of missed redundancies:

This video touches upon the news elements we discussed earlier in the week. Maybe this is an example of a buried lead, or perhaps pursuing a story from the wrong angle:

Lastly, it is always a good idea to edit. Many fans have speculated about Louie's real-life ex-wife, since his fictional ex-wife in the television show is a black woman. The speculation is fair, since the divorced comedian admittedly mines his life experiences for much of his comedic material. Yet, perhaps the author of this article could have edited better before posting. 

"Louie's real-life ex-wife," the post asks, "is he black?" 

No. I am almost certain that Louie's ex-wife is not a black man. We didn't need a blog post to clarify that pronoun gender bender.

Edit better, Internets!

-Travis Durfee
Watkins Glen Central School District


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice job Travis. I retracted my first comment as a reaction to delayed spell checking! (Once again, we are reporting the death of ...)
    Not limited to redundancy, the link I'm offering is a blog that celebrates everything that could possibly go wrong in a newsroom: "overheard in the newsroom"

    Pam Shapiro
    Pueblo Magnet HS
    Tucson, Arizona

  3. Sort of along those lines, here's something Conan O'Brien offers occasionally:

    Steve Elliott
    Arizona State University
