Thursday, June 19, 2014

Did you get that shot?

One of the things that I have dreaded since I started applying for journalism teaching jobs was possibly having to teach broadcast. luckily, at the school where I work, we have a separate broadcast teacher who is amazing and does a great job.

When I excitedly looked over the syllabus when Steve sent it out, I notice that we had a session on shooting video. I immediately became anxious because I know that is my weakest area. I have tried to shoot YouTube videos and of course record videos of my children, but there was little to no editing involved. I have never know what it takes to make an awesome video, but amazingly enough, I know one when I see one.

This morning we had a session with Brian Snyder, a professor here at the Cronkite School. He was vibrant, and really comical. One thing that I appreciate is a teacher who is active and uses visual aides to get their point across, which was exactly what he did. He showed us how to properly set up the camera and our bodies for shooting interviews and also that pans are unrealistic and no one ever pans into a room.

Here Snyder and a few of the fellows demonstrate the 
correct camera-reporter-interviewee ratio.

Overall, it was a great session and I learned that shooting video is not as hard as I thought. Now, after shooting all of our footage and going through the editing session, I believe that I have a newfound fear-Adobe Premeire!

Divona Phillips
Irving High School
Irving, TX


  1. I liked this session too Divona. I learned so many new things that I thought I had already mastered. Silly me. Stepping my game up from here on out. I didn't even know how to save my work properly. Thank goodness Brian came through and found it. I fear Adobe Premiere as well.

  2. I absolutely agree! I think part of me gets nervous because I look at my photography and video skills (as weak as they are) and wonder how I could improve them with purpose. I think that Dave Seibert and Brian Snyder's sessions each provided me with valuable insight that's tangible and that I can pass on to my students for immediate use.

    Laura M. Medina
    Montini Catholic High School
    Lombard, Ill.
