Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Get it write, get it tight

I have to apologize for the awful title to this post. Couldn't resist.

Loved the session on writing tight with Steve. What happened to our students before they entered high school? With their writing, that is. Every year I fight the same battle. Students believe that using big words or multiple words somehow translates to elevated, academic language. Barf. And so I beat that belief out of them as best I can. These are my proud teacher moments.

But now I have to be honest. In writing my article for the institute, I've seriously been struggling with writing tight. Which reminds me that I'm not writing enough or often enough. Because when I'm forced to create beyond an email, I start to choke on all the old habits I hate to see in my own students.

What do you do to keep your writing sharp? Do you blog? Do you write each day? Looking for any and all great suggestions.

Feel free to share any resources you love when it comes to writing tight with your students. I obviously need all the help I can get.

Before I sign off, a tribute to our poets this afternoon.

Corie Shields
Classical Academy High School
Escondido, Calif.


  1. Corie,
    I don't write enough either. I felt that this week. The blogs help me crank out words, so I am going to use those with my students. I also might have some beginning of the class starters that just get them writing. I know that quick, informal writing isn't always the tightest, but I think it will help. They can write and then edit.
    Tracy Anderson
    Community High School
    Ann Arbor, Mich.

  2. I just have to say that I adore your title.

    Secondly, I find that I need to practice these things as well. I blog and post articles in order to put my tight writing into practice so I can become a better editor.

  3. An awesome man with very diverse hairstyles. I have learned so much from Steve Elliott.
