Sunday, June 22, 2014

My First Week in Arizonza

     This week has been quite rough.  I felt like I was sitting in a classroom full of twelfth graders and I was only in eighth grade.  Math is my first language and I felt like an ESL student.  Most of my topics, when writing about math includes vocabulary that is similar but different from English.  You ever been in class and the professor sounded like Charlie Brown's mom.  Well that is how I felt this week.  I know it will get better because I'm now getting back to writing.  I was overwhelmed by the Chris Callahan interview.  Oh, and the two hour deadline that was not extended.  It reminded me of my first year of college.  I was very young and lacked many skills freshman needed because I went to trade school.  I was lost.  I want to thank my fellow teachers who are here with me coaching me in the right direction.
    I also appreciated explaining how my school had stepped up their inclusion of all students by being diverse this school year.
     Here is a video I enjoyed about diversity with music that will help you relate to the message portrayed in the story.  I appreciate this video because it helps me remember that kids are growing up in a world of people that use to be separate but now the trying to be sensitive to all kinds of people.

Cherita Smith
Creative Communications Academy
Chicago, Illinois


  1. I am so proud of my colleague for meeting these challenges head on! I will continue to encourage you as needed. I will always be your "big sister" because we complement each other so well.

  2. You are not alone. I'm an English teacher and being asked to write in a completely different manner was frustrating and made me feel like my writing skills were nonexistent. But then it comes down to this - we cannot expect to learn everything over night let alone in 2 ooops two weeks. It will be up to each person individually to continue to find ways to grow with our new knowledge and abilities. Like learning how to twitter or is it tweet?

  3. Cherita,
    Your incredible upbeat attitude and positive mindset will get you through this. Your students are lucky to have such a committed teacher to take on this challenge! You will just have to learn together. What a great year you are going to have!

    Jillian Singletary
    Harding Fine Arts Academy
    OKC, OK
