Sunday, June 22, 2014

Passion is Greater than Skills

Chris Callahan told us the truth on educating our students: "Passion is greater than skills." And this week, this institute, has solidified this truth.

We're all here for a common purpose: to be better educators. Because it matters. And we know that. It's what keeps us going. Passion for what we do and who we influence.

Passion is greater than skills.

I've had to remind myself of this truth several times this week as I've doubted my own skills in the world of journalism. The assignments and tasks have been a real challenge. I've doubted myself. Do I have what it takes to complete these tasks? My writing stinks! I'm not fooling anyone. I need help!

But, passion is greater than skills.

Passion for what I do and for my students drives my will to keep going, to do better, to find the answers and to grow as an educator. And so, I'll keep going. We all will. And if I start to doubt myself, I'll think about the 34 other educators who are here with me -- pressing on, surviving, and thriving.

Because passion is greater than skills.

Corie Shields
Classical Academy High School
Escondido, California


  1. You are so right to continue saying this phrase. I love it. Only becuase teaching math is my passion and not a skill.

  2. I'll repeat a comment I made on another post: The psalmist tells us to make a joyful noise, not a perfect song. The learning is in the effort combined with feedback -- and in better understanding what your students face.

    Steve Elliott
    Arizona State University

  3. Passion is so much greater than skills. As I have turned in my articles, cut video, etc., I have realized how much I have to learn. And I am learning it by doing it. For the first time I am understanding what I have been asking my students to do for over 15 years.

  4. I have doubted myself as well. I keep wondering if I can really do this? Newspaper journalism is foreign to me. All these years of teaching English haven't prepared me AT ALL, except with the management of groups of students. As long as we are doing our bests, continuing to learn and providing valuable information and feedback to our students, then we are going to be successful on some level.
    Angela Hobart
    Starkville High School
