Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Practice what you preach

I should have seen it coming. With a room full of teachers learning in a university setting, it was only natural that at some point our instructors would check for understanding.
Side 1: Decent effort

I did all right on side 1 of today's pop quiz, but the flip side was anything but pretty. It's too late to blame my subpar performance on jet lag. Maybe it's the heat or a delayed reaction to the summer solstice. Perhaps I did less well on the quiz because of the rigors of our training.

These might account for a few of the missed questions, but certainly not all of them. There's really just no excuse for not knowing about the White House task force to address the declining honeybee population, or that Dilma Rousseff is the president of Brazil. 

During the school year, I truly do take the time to keep up with current e
Side 2: Epic fail
 For bellringers, they read and discuss stories from USA Today and the Northeast Mississippi Daily Journal. Sometimes they answer questions provided with stories from izzit.org. I give regular current events quizzes, including an introductory one on our school.

I do all of this for one reason. I want my students to know that before they write about the news they must first know the news. I'll do a better job of doing my own homework.  

Ginny Miller
Tupelo High School
Tupelo, Mississippi


  1. This was a wake up call for me. I gave daily current events all last year and my students couldn't stand it. Now I was the one not paying attention to the news around me. Lesson learned and well received.

  2. That pop quiz was awesome. I am like Ginny in that the front side was information I had absorbed quite easily through class and practice. However, the back was a reality check that I need to be better about absorbing current events. I mean how can I expect students to report news if I don't know what's going on, right?
    Angela Hobart
    Starkville High School
