Thursday, June 19, 2014

My Favorite Day

Ken Paulson challenges us to
explore the first amendment.

The lesson today with Ken Paulson regarding the First Amendment was eye-opening. I was embarrassed that I could only name four of the five protected rights. I was relieved when I realized I wasn't the only one who had trouble with these history questions. Then I got worried to think how many Americans don't know the basic rights the founders of our country died for. Very thought provoking. Thank you Ken.

Bryan Snyder and Jim Jacoby, you ROCK! I loved the instruction on how to set-up for the video interview. The rules about editing and terms like B-roll and jump-cut are just plain fun. I can't wait to write this up as a lesson plan for my students. They are going to enjoy learning these skills and the entire school will benefit from hearing one another's opinions on different topics.

Brian Snyder properly positions students for a video interview.
I may even combine the two topics for today, and do a Jay Leno type of interview. Ask students important info like who the vice-president of the United States is followed by asking them what Kim Kardashian named her daughter. Twice a month we have an all school meeting, which will be a perfect venue for viewing. 

Jillian Singletary
Harding Fine Arts


  1. As Brian Snyder was showing us how conduct a video interview, I actually was picturing Cynthia as the video camera! It all seemed so simple.

    Then we got to actually try it.

    Suddenly, with a real tripod involved, I felt rushed and nervous. I kept making mistakes and quickly trying to correct them, which would then cause another mistake. Upon watching our video footage? I noticed even more mistakes. My reaction: What a good learning experience!

    Students can only learn the real skill of journalism through doing, so it is great to see (and learn from) lesson plans that are truly hands on like the one we had today, and the one proposed here.

    Kari Koshiol

    Benilde-St. Margaret's
    Minneapolis, Minnesota

  2. This post sums up the whirlwind that is week one of the Reynolds Institute -- diving from a fast-paced 90 minutes to video instruction to practicing what you learned to taking on editing. I'm glad you can apply it back home.

    Steve Elliott
    Arizona State University
