Thursday, June 26, 2014

Technology in the classroom

The technology in this building is amazing. As a high school educator, I cannot wait for my students to experience the type of state-of-the-art education that the Cronkite School offers. I know that the Cronkite school would love for us to send them our students, and I would love to send them here.

Although it would have been great to have someone from ASNE come in person, it was really neat to see the capabilities of the classrooms here at the Cronkite School. This is the type of technology that I would love to implement in my classroom.

I really believe that my students would get a kick out of skyping with their counterparts at another school: sports editor to sports editor, art editor to art editor, beat journalist to beat journalist. The kids would get so much out of it, and since we have webcams, we can communicate with other staffs around the state without having to spend the money on transportation.

The session with ASNE prompted me to start searching for money. I would really like my students using the best technology I can get them, and right now, that isn't much. My measly 5 computers and one webcam just aren't cutting it. The students deserve better. I plan on begging every major corporation in my area for money. I know they are looking for tax write offs, and I am looking for funding for my classroom. Win-win.

Kristen Morey
Fremont High School
Ogden, Utah

1 comment:

  1. The technology and the programs offered at the Cronkite School are amazing. I have an eighth grader who just graduated Valedictorian and she is a natural leader. She was the editor of our newsletter and I would like to follow her path. I can't wait to get back and communicate with her so she knows how get involved as a high school student.
